Thursday, January 31, 2008

A woman president?

I was reading one of the Memphis blogs and it starts out with a man, talkign about his interesting trip to comcast or something and he overheard two women talking about the election primaries. The two women discussed how a woman would not be suitable as president, because they always turn to a man in a crisis and second, because the Bible says a man should always be in charge. But, according to these obviously, really bright ladies, it is ok for a woman to be vice-president..I mean oh my god, what idiots!
When I vote this year Im going to vote for who I think is the best canidate to run our nation for the four years. Would not things be a lot simpler if everyone would do that? Let us not vote because of political party, race or sex. Let us vote for the right canidate! By the way, I have been going to church, since I was two years old and I do not remember God covering the presidential election, but I could be wrong. HAHA
To sum things up, I can not stand our president now and have not seen any canidates I think are amazing, but maybe I will get lucky and there will be a new canidate soon. I heard Clinton is now not supporting the war, true or false, she voted for it....more than once? DUH!


So, i was scrolling through the Memphis blogs and came across this post under the bringing back Whitehaven blog. It talked about how this new legislation that is about to be passed would ban any consumption of alocohol inside of strip joints. OK! if your old enough to be at a strip club, then I think why the hell not let them drink? I dont agree with that whole scene, personally I think its really gross, but I mean they are 21 and it doesnt matter where you are! Another stupid thing I read was if the women had past records of prostitution, then they cant work as strippers at these clubs anymore. I agree this whole industry should be shut down, but lets not go around pointing fingers about whats worse, lets not condone stripping and then turn around and place judgement on prostitutes. It is all wrong, but if a woman wants to work as a stripper, would that not be better than her working as a prostitute?
I just want to say again, no I do not agree with any of it, but making stricter dumb ass rules isnt going to change shit. You want to stop them, then dont allow it! It sucks to think about, but the people in that industry know the truth, sex sells! Turn on any little behind the scenes show and they will tell you the same thing.
If these politicians want to put a stop to it, then they need to work a little bit harder if you ask me!

Monday, January 28, 2008

iTs 8:09 && i LOVE KD!

Well hey everyone, it has been 3 days now and nothing exciting has really happened! Me and Morgan have been working for her grandpa making big dollars all day. haha. Im thinkin here shortly we are about to take ourselves to the gym and work it out.
But anyways, spring recruitment is going on and for anyone who is thinking about rushing, you really should! Sadly, Kappa Delta will not be able to take any girls this semester, because we are at max number right now, but we are still gonna be at open house and its good way to meet girls, if you arent really gonna go through till fall. Ill move on though, thats just my two cents on rushing. My computer is dying rather fast right now and I hope it is not gonna shut off!
What else? I saw the movie, Untraceable on Saturday and it was so good! That movie is seriously a perfect balance of horror and suspense! If you havent seen it, go right now! Also, I think Diane Lane is the cutest lady ever and totally looks amazing for her age.
Lately, I have been missing home so bad, Im not sure why, but I am guessing, because I have been sick so much. My mom is so domesticated, she loves cooking and taking care of me, when Im sick, so i miss being babied. haha. Well i guess thats all for now, until next time!

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Topic, I just remembered this.

I chose to write about school assessent, because it really is a huge issue in Mephis. I went to private schhol, until my junior year. My junior year, I transferred to Bartlett High School, because Harding Academy got to be too expensive. the diffeence was astonishing. In private school everyone is taught to be the sae kind of individual,but the education is so much better than that of public school. When I still went to Harding, I was making straight A's. At Harding though, that is what is expected and all of my teachers were constantly pulling for me to work harder and push myself to do the best I can. We prepare throughout high school for our ACT. I wrote my first 10 page paper, my sophmore year. Everything began a little bit sooner, which put me a little bit ahead of everyone first! I got more help with questions at Harding, because there was more one on one. My parents knew about falling grades, before I did. All these things add up to make a smart person, but not one who is prepared for college. I came to public school and I absolutely loved it! There were no more techers pushing me and my mom never knew anything, unless I told her. Little did I realize, that was a bad thing. My teachers were not passionate and they did not give a shit if I passed or not. I was so used to it all being handed to me, that I would forget about homework, essays or whatever else was assigned. I doubt it is like this for everyone, but this is my personal experience. I just believe kids need a balance of preparation for the real world, but a little bit of push from their teachers, as well. I like the belief system at Harding, it taught me morals and selflessness, because when I went to Bartlett I met a lot of rude kids, who had no idea what manners were. A few questions from me. Do teachers really put in the time and effort they are supposed to? Do they care if your grades are up? and do private schools hurt you in the long run? I may not have liked being told what to do when I was at harding, but I knew my teachers cared and that was rewarding.


Omg! Today was truly insane. Me and Morgan went to our first class and our teacher collapsed! I repeat our teacher collapsed! Morgan had to get under her and help her up and I went and called 911! Hopefully everything will be ok, but she left in the ambulance headed for Methodist North hospital. We are planning on going to check on her and sending flowers before the weekend is over with. Talk about a crazy ass morning!

Moving on to the less exciting, we went to history and took some super boring ass notes! Usually after history, we have music, but it was cancelled today! YAY!

Me and Kyle are about to head out to the mall, then my super sweet boyfriend is going to take me tanning! I dont know what I would do without him being kind enough to drive me everywhere! lol gotta love him!

Tonight is Rock For A Cure at Gills, everyone please go! The money raised go to help the kids at St. Judes and you can still have fun, get drunk or whatever it is you do! So if you go, you will probably see me there! Also, Kappa Delta's philanthropy is coming up, it is called Shamrock Shootout and it is really good cause. So get a basketball team together and come play! The money goes towards Prevent Child Abuse America. Be there! ok See ya'll Tuesday!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Ok, so to start things off, I will go ahead and tell ya'll what your wandering. haha. I had to be at court at 9am. First off, I do not like getting up before 11, so it was already a bad start to what could have been a good day. Anyways, I got to court a little after 9, my lawyer was about an hour late. Then, as soon as he got there, my court date got moved back to the 18th of February, aka 2 days before I can get my license back!! YAY! Everyone get excited, this is amazing news!

Moving on the latter part of the day though, I went to stock up on slimfast, because me and Morgan are doing the whole dieting and working out thing right now. It is going pretty well, except for I am always sick, so it sucks when I go. Lets see, what else did I do today? Me and my mom spent the day watching movies and napping till maybe three. At which time, I had to get a ride to go get my nails done! I will admit it..I have to have my nails done at all times!

The day is coming to an end now, me and Kyle are just sitting in my room playing with Marley and OF COURSE, watching UFC. I now hate this sport!
Im gonna go try and get some rest, I totally need it! GOODNIGHT!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Today was not that exciting..

I got a new puppy a month ago and I love him so much. His name is Marley and he is a lab. I named him after the movie I am Legend. If you have seen the movie, then you know Will Smith named his daughter that, because he loved Bob Marley. And I loved the movie, so i figured why not? I brought him home and I was so nervous that he was not going to get along with my roomate, Morgan's dog. But, I was so wrong, Marley and Lexi have become best friends and have proved to be quite annoying when Im trying to write papers. haha. He also is like the unpotty trainable is so awsome. Anyways, the best part of having him are when he gives me kisses and looks at me all sweet like.

I have lived with my three roomates for like four months now and It has been so crazy. It is so true that you never really know someone until you live with them, I dont mean that in a bad way, but I do mean it. It is so awsome always having someone around to talk to, watch movies with or even the favorite of all things in our house, EATING. Me, Jenna, Morgan and Brooxie all make cakes, brownie and cookies like every other week. So if you love sweets, you should visit our home! We are all Kappa Delta's, so we arent just roomies, we are sisters.

The best decesion I ever made was becoming a KD. Morgan Pettigrew talked me into rushing and I am so glad I did. I could not imagine what my life would be like without all these beautiful girls in my life. Every girl has a place where she fits in and the Kappa Delta house is mine. Being a KD, has really made me step up and be the person I want to be.

I went to Harding Academy until my junior year, when i transferred to Bartlett High School. Going from a private school to a public school was a big change. People are so much more open and different. When I went to private school, it seemed like everyone was trying to be the same person, so it was a eye opener when I came to Bartlett.

I have a boyfriend named Kyle, who is like the sweetest, most always there for me guy ever. Our one year anniversary is February 24; he better have something amazing planned! Our first date was on Feb. 14 aka Valentine's day, last year. Im hoping we just keep working out, because he still gives me butterflies and makes me smile daily. He has two little brothers and one little sister, whom I adore!

So, if your wandering by now, this blog I am just trying to let ya'll get to know a good background on me, before i start writing about my life and my day, blah blah. I think that my life so far has been rather interesting.

I have two parents, one mom and one stepdad. My mom and dad got divorced, when I was two, because he was an alcoholic and all that junk, but no feelings hurt. It doesnt bother me and I am not ashamed of it. I still see my dad, just not a lot.

I am very optimistic about life. I always try to see the best in people and situations, although in the past that has proven to get me hurt. I think I definitely get this from my mom, because neither of us have a lot, but I mean we just figure what is the point about getting down about life? It helps nothing.

Now, I have had a driver license since I was sixteen years old, but not anymore. Right before I turned eighteen I got the maximum number of points you cant get on your license before you turn eighteen, which is only THREE!!! So, I didnt know this though, so I have been just driving around, till about a month ago. I got pulled over and he went ahead and let me know my license was revoked until march. So, unlike any responsible person, I kept right on driving on my revoked license and had a wreck!!
I go to court tomorrow with my lawyer to try and move up my license renewal date. I am in a lot of trouble I guess, but I'm sure it's gonna be just fine.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My Manifesto.

Beginning this assignent, I was looking at the manifestos of those before me. I thought this was going to be a difficult assignment, but instead i realize that a manifesto is really just an explanation of what you want, what you believe in and how you want to make accomplishments. I hope by reading this document, people get a better understanding of who I am.
It is the most interesting thing to read a manifesto of a person you do not know; to get inside the head of a complete stranger. One of the most famous manifestos is The Conscience of a Hacker also commonly referred to as the Hacker Manifesto. This manifesto gives a hackers view point on how the world views them. He talks about how he feels smarter than what is taught in schools. He describes feeling accepted and unjudged by an electronic world. His only claimed crime is his "curiousity". Another famous manifesto is The Communist Manifesto, a document that underlies all that, which is a communist belief. This document is divided into four sections. the first of these sections goes in the relationship between proletarians and bourgeoisie, then the second section also talks about a relationship, but in this case it is the Communists and the proletarians. The third section gives a summary of why previous socialists have failed and I am guessing why comunism will not, and finally, the fourth section discusses the communist party and how it relates to other parties. The final famous manifesto that I read was The Unabombers Manifesto. This document was written by Dr. Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski, who setup and executed a series of bombs between the 1970's and 1990's. In the first few sections of the manifesto, it describes his personal views on the different social groups in America. The latter part of his manifesto talks about how he projects the future of our world to be and that he believes there will no longer be any kind of human freedom. His manifesto was published in the New York Times at his request, at which time he promised to stop any acts of terrorism, but was caught soon after its publication. Now that I hope I have a clear understanding of what a manifesto is about, I will now give you mine.
This is my manifesto. I am not a perfect person, but I am who I am and this will better help you to understand me
My generation is a new breed of individual. There are no two alike. Unlike past generations, where there may have been an ideal for what we should be, now the only mold to fit into is your own and how you make it.
I live my life the way I want to live it, free from others opinions and ideals. I hope others can look at the way I chose to live my life and respect it.
I am individualist. I believe in being who you are, no matter what an outside source may say. Dress how you choose, wear your hair like you think you should, speak about whatever you are passionate about and above all, respect yourself enough to not change so easily for whatever reason.
I am respectful. I want to be treated well, so I hope by giving others respect, I will receive it in return. All people should be respectful of their peers when speaking, and especially when speaking to his or her elders. I do so, by always saying thank you and remembering to think of others, when I am making decisions.
I am grateful. I want to always remember where I came from and what I have done to get where I am. I am thankful for everything that I have been blessed with. I have a house, a car, and food. I know I could not have done these things alone. I believe more people should be grateful for so many things in their life, even if it is just as simple as being grateful for being alive, because that is a blessing.
I believe in generousity. I think karma is for real, so in saying that, does it not make since to say you get, what you put out? What i mean by this is Im gonna give to those in need, like that which has been given to me. I do not believe in selfishness. I would like to say that I have lived a selfless life, but I can not, I can though, say that I have tried to be the best person I can be.
I am a romantic. I know that the whole true love thing may not be for all people, but it is for me. I think that life is not complete without love. I do not see what the point of living is, if you have no one to share it with.
These are only the main highlights of my life, but they are the most important. This is the story of who I am.