Thursday, September 18, 2008


I just scrolling along throught the internet and I saw something about the Breed Specific Legislation and so I got all riled up again. If you discriminate against a Pit Bull, you are NO BETTER than a racist and in fact you are worse!!!!! Dogs may not have civil liberties, but I do and I am going to use my freedom of speech to the best of my abilities to speak out against dumb asses like this! The same goes for those who abuse and fight them, THEY ARE THE ONES CAUSING THIS MAYHEM! BLAME THEM NOT THE BREED!!!!!
I admit that Pit bulls are strong willed, but they are no more dangerous than any other animal if you are responsible! Watch your pets and be responsible! My last little tanget is DO NOT PUNISH THE BREED PUNISH THE DEED!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

last blog of the week

Give Your Brain a Work Out
Working out has always made it easier for me to concentrate. It just makes sense to think that people who work out, have an easier time of studying. Exercising releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy. It seems to me that a happy person will have a less challenging time of studying rather than someone who is completely miserable or lazy and unwilling to work hard. Exercise can also teach a student discipline, since the real affects are only seen after continuous and repetitive sessions in the gym. Getting daily exercise can only be shown to improve upon ones life, rather it be physically or mentally.

Allergy Season
Allergies have long been annoying to the world. My mom has been suffering from chronic and severe allergies since she was younger than twelve. My mom had to go through years of treatments with multiple treatments and shots. Nowadays, treatment for allergies has become more simpler and we can now stop our sniffling noses with one simple pill. The best thing to do if you have severe allergies is get to the doctor and find out what it is to. After you do that, stay on your medicine regularly and expose yourself to your allergens.
A Good Work out
It has been recently studied and deduced that the best workout music is between 120 and 140 beats per minute. This matches the tune of most dance songs. I think I work out much harder when I listen to rap music or even rock, rather than light pop or a slow and classical song. The beat gets your heart pumping and gets you excited. It is almost like you are dancing, when you are listening to some of this music in the gym. My favorite part of working out is being on the elliptical machine and turning up a loud song! In conclusion, everyone turn up the jams and get to exercising!

word count 325

almost done....

Sexual Assault
Sexual assault among college campus has become to common and it needs to addressed. I think that often times, students get too comfortable on campus and forget that they can be dangerous too. Just like on any Saturday night on frat row, I know not to go alone and not to leave with someone I did not come with. There are little things that can help to prevent horrible things like Erin’s story from happening. In Erin’s case, I do not think there is much she could have done. It seems like a very honest situation gone bad. In this case though, she should have filed a police report. Too often, girls think that just because they flirt with a guy they may deserve whatever happens to them and I do not agree with this at all. I may flirt with someone, but that does not mean I want to be violated. So in conclusion, I think Erin is a brave girl, for stepping up to tell her story and hopefully it will give others the courage to do the same.

Budgeting Tips
This is an article I wish I would have read months and months ago. Students do not realize how difficult it can be living on your own. The world is a lot more challenging and expensive, then I could have ever imagined. It is a good idea to continue money back. If you don’t have the money you are going to need in a few weeks, then don’t spend it! It is very helpful to setup a budget. When setting up a budget, it is helpful to know how much you need to be bringing in to make your income more than what you are paying out. It seems to be such a simple process, but it does get very complicated. It is not always easy to stay in on a Friday night, because your friends have managed their money and you haven’t. More than anything I have learned in college so far, it is to be wise with your money it goes quickly!
word count 349

reviews....more more more

Sleep Can Improve Grades
I found this article very insightful. I can tell that the author of this article has definitely has some experience in what trying to sleep is like, while in college. I agree with this article. There is so much to be done in the few hours of the day, that as students, we must pull all nighters or cram sessions occasionally to make ends meet. I dare not mention what it is like when trying to live on your own and support yourself alone. Living outside of my parents house is a lot more difficult than I ever thought it could be. There are so many temptations to go out at night with your friends or just sit up and chit chat. After reading this article I am going to try and put more effort into getting sleep at an earlier time rather than trying to take a nap every afternoon, when I could be studying.

Pins and Needles
This is an awesome article for college students. I, myself have two tattoos and am planning on getting at least two more. I could explain to someone who does not have tattoos what it is about it that draws me to it, but I love it. I can use body art to express myself. My tattoos show my inner thoughts on particular things and definitely help others get an understanding of me. I think at the rate the world is progressing today, it is not a harm to ones job or future to get a tattoo. There are risks involved as the article states and I would always suggest making sure that the tattoo parlor is clean and a part of Memphis Better Business Bureau. Even though it can be fun sometimes, it is always better to think before you leap.

word count 304

review 2

Energy Drinks Worth the Buzz?
I love that this article talks about energy drinks and the negative affects they have on your mind and body. I used to drink red bull like it was water, but then I realized it was making me sick and I always crashed right after. I can recall one night, when I was pulling an all nighter it made me sick throughout the whole night and I am not joking at all. It is only going to provide a good burst of energy for maybe thirty minutes tops. Afterwards, your body is going to crash and you are going to be left even more tired than before. There are so many better ways to get energy than to chug energy drinks that are loaded with sugar and caffeine. It is really helpful to take a jog or stretch. If you get too tired, I say just splash some water on your face! I think that sooner or later energy drinks are gonna be out the door. One time at an event for Kappa Delta, a parent asked me not to drink Red Bull in front of her daughter and I completely understood. I would not want my kids to get to drinking that junk and cause them to get sick or even worse hyper.


This week I had to write a bunch of reviews out of the student health magazine and I thought quite a few were pretty interesting. I hope that ya’ll think these are as wild as I did. (haha) only kidding there. Also everyone keep your fingers crossed I do decent in Wendy’s class!

Get Fit For Finals
This article talked about how college students and the need to manage time to study and do other school activities. I think it is an interesting article, but maybe not so helpful. It is very easy to tell someone how to fix a problem and what they are doing wrong. I think it is a lot harder to actually be in that situation and just change your study habits completely when you enter college. Studying for college and doing homework takes adjusting to, because it is nothing like high school. You can not rush the time it takes to learn these responsibilities. Overall it was a good read, but maybe some more creative ideas would be helpful. I also think that the idea of planning out your day is just a little bit crazy. I do not think everyone is meant to walk around with a day planner under their arm and highlighter in hand. For now, I think the best plan is to try and figure out how you learn and study best and stick to it!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Pros and Cons of Memphis

I found this wriitten in a blog on another past Memphians page. I just thought it was cool to have the insight of someone else who has lived here too. Obviously, we are not the only ones who sense all this racial tension!

If this says anything I grew up in Memphis and left two years ago, never looked back. Here are the PROS of Memphis:1. Relatively low cost of living.2. Good food-the barbecue is the absolute best.3. Decent locality-You are within a day's drive of several major cities.CONS:1. Crime rate-Once again, Memphis regained the #1 spot nationally for violent crime. It spills over the state line and while Mississippi is safer (my wife and I lived in Southaven) the crime will still be there. It is bad, trust me.2. A LOT of RACIAL TENSION. Don't believe me? Just look at the last mayor's election, it was nothing but racial tension. It's just a bad racial climate in Memphis.3. Education-Memphis is the worst in the state in this category. Mississippi and Arkansas aren't much better.4. Sports-Yes, they have a nice minor league baseball team. They also have the worst NBA team in the land. I do root for the University of Memphis teams (hey, I'm an alum) but other than that, nothing. Nashville does have the NFL and NHL, so that's a plus. Now, if you like gambling there are plenty of casinos in the area.To each their own, some like Memphis. I couldn't stand it and I'm a native from there. Too much crime, heat (unless you like sweltering summers), racial tensions, poor education... The city has improved some things over the last several years but in so many ways the city and is still backward and has not progressed to where it should or could.