Thursday, September 18, 2008


I just scrolling along throught the internet and I saw something about the Breed Specific Legislation and so I got all riled up again. If you discriminate against a Pit Bull, you are NO BETTER than a racist and in fact you are worse!!!!! Dogs may not have civil liberties, but I do and I am going to use my freedom of speech to the best of my abilities to speak out against dumb asses like this! The same goes for those who abuse and fight them, THEY ARE THE ONES CAUSING THIS MAYHEM! BLAME THEM NOT THE BREED!!!!!
I admit that Pit bulls are strong willed, but they are no more dangerous than any other animal if you are responsible! Watch your pets and be responsible! My last little tanget is DO NOT PUNISH THE BREED PUNISH THE DEED!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

last blog of the week

Give Your Brain a Work Out
Working out has always made it easier for me to concentrate. It just makes sense to think that people who work out, have an easier time of studying. Exercising releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy. It seems to me that a happy person will have a less challenging time of studying rather than someone who is completely miserable or lazy and unwilling to work hard. Exercise can also teach a student discipline, since the real affects are only seen after continuous and repetitive sessions in the gym. Getting daily exercise can only be shown to improve upon ones life, rather it be physically or mentally.

Allergy Season
Allergies have long been annoying to the world. My mom has been suffering from chronic and severe allergies since she was younger than twelve. My mom had to go through years of treatments with multiple treatments and shots. Nowadays, treatment for allergies has become more simpler and we can now stop our sniffling noses with one simple pill. The best thing to do if you have severe allergies is get to the doctor and find out what it is to. After you do that, stay on your medicine regularly and expose yourself to your allergens.
A Good Work out
It has been recently studied and deduced that the best workout music is between 120 and 140 beats per minute. This matches the tune of most dance songs. I think I work out much harder when I listen to rap music or even rock, rather than light pop or a slow and classical song. The beat gets your heart pumping and gets you excited. It is almost like you are dancing, when you are listening to some of this music in the gym. My favorite part of working out is being on the elliptical machine and turning up a loud song! In conclusion, everyone turn up the jams and get to exercising!

word count 325

almost done....

Sexual Assault
Sexual assault among college campus has become to common and it needs to addressed. I think that often times, students get too comfortable on campus and forget that they can be dangerous too. Just like on any Saturday night on frat row, I know not to go alone and not to leave with someone I did not come with. There are little things that can help to prevent horrible things like Erin’s story from happening. In Erin’s case, I do not think there is much she could have done. It seems like a very honest situation gone bad. In this case though, she should have filed a police report. Too often, girls think that just because they flirt with a guy they may deserve whatever happens to them and I do not agree with this at all. I may flirt with someone, but that does not mean I want to be violated. So in conclusion, I think Erin is a brave girl, for stepping up to tell her story and hopefully it will give others the courage to do the same.

Budgeting Tips
This is an article I wish I would have read months and months ago. Students do not realize how difficult it can be living on your own. The world is a lot more challenging and expensive, then I could have ever imagined. It is a good idea to continue money back. If you don’t have the money you are going to need in a few weeks, then don’t spend it! It is very helpful to setup a budget. When setting up a budget, it is helpful to know how much you need to be bringing in to make your income more than what you are paying out. It seems to be such a simple process, but it does get very complicated. It is not always easy to stay in on a Friday night, because your friends have managed their money and you haven’t. More than anything I have learned in college so far, it is to be wise with your money it goes quickly!
word count 349

reviews....more more more

Sleep Can Improve Grades
I found this article very insightful. I can tell that the author of this article has definitely has some experience in what trying to sleep is like, while in college. I agree with this article. There is so much to be done in the few hours of the day, that as students, we must pull all nighters or cram sessions occasionally to make ends meet. I dare not mention what it is like when trying to live on your own and support yourself alone. Living outside of my parents house is a lot more difficult than I ever thought it could be. There are so many temptations to go out at night with your friends or just sit up and chit chat. After reading this article I am going to try and put more effort into getting sleep at an earlier time rather than trying to take a nap every afternoon, when I could be studying.

Pins and Needles
This is an awesome article for college students. I, myself have two tattoos and am planning on getting at least two more. I could explain to someone who does not have tattoos what it is about it that draws me to it, but I love it. I can use body art to express myself. My tattoos show my inner thoughts on particular things and definitely help others get an understanding of me. I think at the rate the world is progressing today, it is not a harm to ones job or future to get a tattoo. There are risks involved as the article states and I would always suggest making sure that the tattoo parlor is clean and a part of Memphis Better Business Bureau. Even though it can be fun sometimes, it is always better to think before you leap.

word count 304

review 2

Energy Drinks Worth the Buzz?
I love that this article talks about energy drinks and the negative affects they have on your mind and body. I used to drink red bull like it was water, but then I realized it was making me sick and I always crashed right after. I can recall one night, when I was pulling an all nighter it made me sick throughout the whole night and I am not joking at all. It is only going to provide a good burst of energy for maybe thirty minutes tops. Afterwards, your body is going to crash and you are going to be left even more tired than before. There are so many better ways to get energy than to chug energy drinks that are loaded with sugar and caffeine. It is really helpful to take a jog or stretch. If you get too tired, I say just splash some water on your face! I think that sooner or later energy drinks are gonna be out the door. One time at an event for Kappa Delta, a parent asked me not to drink Red Bull in front of her daughter and I completely understood. I would not want my kids to get to drinking that junk and cause them to get sick or even worse hyper.


This week I had to write a bunch of reviews out of the student health magazine and I thought quite a few were pretty interesting. I hope that ya’ll think these are as wild as I did. (haha) only kidding there. Also everyone keep your fingers crossed I do decent in Wendy’s class!

Get Fit For Finals
This article talked about how college students and the need to manage time to study and do other school activities. I think it is an interesting article, but maybe not so helpful. It is very easy to tell someone how to fix a problem and what they are doing wrong. I think it is a lot harder to actually be in that situation and just change your study habits completely when you enter college. Studying for college and doing homework takes adjusting to, because it is nothing like high school. You can not rush the time it takes to learn these responsibilities. Overall it was a good read, but maybe some more creative ideas would be helpful. I also think that the idea of planning out your day is just a little bit crazy. I do not think everyone is meant to walk around with a day planner under their arm and highlighter in hand. For now, I think the best plan is to try and figure out how you learn and study best and stick to it!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Pros and Cons of Memphis

I found this wriitten in a blog on another past Memphians page. I just thought it was cool to have the insight of someone else who has lived here too. Obviously, we are not the only ones who sense all this racial tension!

If this says anything I grew up in Memphis and left two years ago, never looked back. Here are the PROS of Memphis:1. Relatively low cost of living.2. Good food-the barbecue is the absolute best.3. Decent locality-You are within a day's drive of several major cities.CONS:1. Crime rate-Once again, Memphis regained the #1 spot nationally for violent crime. It spills over the state line and while Mississippi is safer (my wife and I lived in Southaven) the crime will still be there. It is bad, trust me.2. A LOT of RACIAL TENSION. Don't believe me? Just look at the last mayor's election, it was nothing but racial tension. It's just a bad racial climate in Memphis.3. Education-Memphis is the worst in the state in this category. Mississippi and Arkansas aren't much better.4. Sports-Yes, they have a nice minor league baseball team. They also have the worst NBA team in the land. I do root for the University of Memphis teams (hey, I'm an alum) but other than that, nothing. Nashville does have the NFL and NHL, so that's a plus. Now, if you like gambling there are plenty of casinos in the area.To each their own, some like Memphis. I couldn't stand it and I'm a native from there. Too much crime, heat (unless you like sweltering summers), racial tensions, poor education... The city has improved some things over the last several years but in so many ways the city and is still backward and has not progressed to where it should or could.


I WANT TICKETS TO COREY SMITH!!!!! I am so freaking pissed off right now! I just found out that the Corey Smith concert is sold out! I can not explain how depressed I am! He is my favorite of all time and I wanted to go so so bad. If anyone reads this and has tickets, I will pay double what you paid! His music calms me and makes all stress fade away! I had never heard of him until Morgan played some of his songs for me and then I fell in love. If he was not married with kids, I would have his babies...THATS A JOKE! but I do love him.

Since my Corey Smith plans are ruined, I think I am going to have a girls night out. Im sure it wont be as amazing as Corey Smith, because generally I never remember our girls nights out. I think the boyfriend is going to spend some quality time with his alcoholic buddies. It is whatever though, at least I do not have to sit at home and be completely bored.

Tomorrow I am going out to my moms house to cook out. I think I am taking Morgan and hopefully, Kyle too. My mom loves to get in the middle of things, so of course she wants to make sure those two can get along.

Well I am thinking I have got to get on top of my school work these last couple weeks. I am not allowed to go to Kappa Delta formal due to my grades and I would rather that not happen, again. That is if iin the future, I can still afford KD.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

my best friend

Morgan Pettigrew has been one of the craziest, funniest and most understanding girls I have ever met. This blog is to let her know that I miss her, because I have not been home much lately. I can not even tell you how many times I have not been able to sleep, so I go wake up Morgan and we sit up watching movies. Everytime I get a little too wild, she is there to hold my hair back. And of course, I have held hers too. My favorite days are the ones we spend driving around with the music so loud we have to scream over it.

We are supposed to be going to the beach with our moms sometime in May. Both of us have some wild childs for mothers. I think we are going to have an amazing time. Morgan's grandfather has some huge condo, so we are going to be staying in style. But of course, me and Morgan will have to go by ourselves with a few hotties later in the summer. YAY! YAY!

Since I am not sure who all is going to be reading this, I will not dare begin to describe the fun times we had in Panama && at Rascal Flatts! We have made some hardcore memories!

is race an issue

Well, to say the least this has been a good week. I am starting to feel better. Although I am extremely sick of UTIs. I have to go to a concert for Music at 730, so I thought I would get in some blogging. Class was definitely interesting this week.

So, do I think race is an issue? I think it is, but at the same time it should not have to be. I think that the past is in the past and all mistakes should be let go, but still respected. If all people could forget the past, would there still be any racial tension? I think so. People seem to criticize anything that is different from themselves, uncomfortable. I think sometimes it is easier to point fingers at others, rather than try to understand it. It is more comfortable to just surround yourself with what you are comfortable with. I am not trying to say everyone needs to run out and get a new bff that is a different race. I am trying to say there is nothing wrong with being around who you want to be around. Im sick and tired of people trying to rush change. I say out with affirmative action and judging people for who they hang out with. What is meant to happen will. Although in some cases history does repeat itself, I dont think we are in any jeopardy of slavery returning.

I am sure I could ramble about this for an hour and a half, but we are writing a paper about this right now, so i'll save some for that.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


To begin with, I really hope this week is going to be much better than the last. Also, I would like to say in the past I have hated English, but this year it is getting very interesting. I am really starting to enjoy going to English. I think a larg part of my enjoyment is based upon the fact that I love arguing and it is encouraged in our classroom. Another reason is the fact that I love how Wendy does not surgar coat shit and tells it like it is. For example, in class on Tuesday. Wendy goes "Bull Shit!". That is honesty and I love it.

Another key part in my life right now is my lack of money. I have no money to pay the rent, the bills, or even sorority dues. What does a girl do when there is no money to be found? I think I am looking for someone to take my spot in my house. I live with three other really fun KD's. So, if anyone wants a house, here ya go! I wish I did not have to move out, but I am beating a dead horse here and sick of struggling to make ends meet. My parents are broke as a joke, so I know I can not ask them for shit. They borrow money from me half the time. I am totally not criticizing them though, because I know they worked their asses off to get me where I am today! I just get annoyed when my girlfriends do not get it and they are all just get some help from mommy and daddy!

Much more to come later!

Friday, March 28, 2008

last minute

So it is Friday afternoon and I am running behind. It is hard to even look at school work and focus. I have been in Tipton with my family since Wed. night. My uncle has been very sick and we have a small family that sticks together. I just got back home about an hour ago. I decided that I was gonna try and get done what I could. I have been sitting here for thirty minutes and I could not make myself start writing.

Me and Kyle got back together....again and it is the happiest I have ever been. I think being surrounded by my girlfriends all the time and staying tied up in greek life almost caused me to pass up on the boy im supposed to marry.

This all might sound extremely dumb to people that do not know me or Kyle, but you can ask Morgan or Brooxie about it. When we are together, nothing else matters. He can make my worries go away and I do not feel the need to go out. I really hope that this time we can make things work. He is mor important to me than anything else. he is family. He was with me the last couple days. In time of need, you find out who are the ones that really care.

Last, but not least I have been having this whole turmoil whether or not I should move back home in the fall. It is a far drive, but I keep thinking if I stay at home I know the temptations will be much less and everything much easier to balance. I miss my mom and my dad. I was hoping by this time next year, me and Kyle could be looking for our own apartment. I am not sure if that is the best idea, but then again I would rather be with him than worry about it.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Last blog of the week

Well, it is time for the weekend. Thank God! I got my license back today, so if yall want to say congrats GO RIGHT AHEAD! haha. I am so so excited! Me, my mom, my dad, and my boyfriend are going to Mr. B's tonight to celebrate. I know, I am really cool right?

Saturday night I am going out to my parent's house to stay the night, so I can get up and go the church in the morning. I feel guilty, because I have not been in so long. I talked to someone the other day about going to church and it touched me. She was saying how Jesus died for our sinds and if we believe in thats all there is to it. There are no bylaws in the Bible, that say we have to attend church to go to heaven. I do not go to church, because I think I am going to impress God. I got o church, because when I leave I feel like a different person. It almost gives me a sense of cleansing.

My goal for this year is to stay closer with God and my family. I am going to try and move myself away from temptation to do things I should not. I am most certainly not some holy roller, but I just want to try and be the best person I can be. I know if i keep on the track I am on, that nothing will change. I care tremendously for my friends and family, so its my responsibilty to give them something to be proud of!


So, I am always rambling about being optimistic and keeping your head up and stuff. Here are some of my favorite poems, that brighten my day.

by Brian Quinn
When all about you is black with gloom,And all you feel is pending doom.When your bones are racked with grim despair -When every breath is a gasp for air.Keep on going, though you need to grope,For around the bend is a ray of hope.A ray of hope is perhaps all that's left,As your will to live has been bereft.You've lost it all, it's just no use!You can end it all, you need no excuse.But throw away that piece of rope,And give yourself a chance of hope.Just give yourself another day,Brushing aside what your thoughts may say.This is your life and you can make a new start,By ignoring the brain - just follow the heart.Taking baby steps in order to cope,And minute by minute you'll build on your hope.Build on your hope,. one day at a time,Though the road be steep and hard to climb.The hurts of the past - they should be dead.The fears of the future are all in your head.Just live in the present and refuse to mope Your life will sparkle for you're living in hope

The Road Less Traveled
by Kit McCallum
How often we must bear the challenges of life;The endless roller coaster between happiness and sorrow;The constant ups and downs of daily strife.And always the question remains .... why?Life is not an easy road for most;It twists and turns with many forks in the road,Although always, and inevitably, we are given a choice ...Do we turn to the right ... or the left?Do we take the high road ... or the low road?Do we take the easy path ... or the difficult one?Decisions are not easy for those struggling for direction ...And sometimes the many choices and signs become overwhelming.While standing at a crossroads in life,The urge is to take the most comfortable path;The road with least resistance ...The shortest or most traveled route.And yet, if we've been down that comfortable road before;Have gleaned its lessons in life, and learned from our experiences;Do we yet again follow the known?Or does our destiny lie in another direction?The fear of the road less traveled is tangible and all too real;It manifests itself in many ways,And tends to cloud the issues that might otherwise be clear.It is in these times of confusion,That we must seek peace and solitude;Time to contemplate on our life,Our experiences and our choices past;Time to look back, and reflect on what we have learnedWithout fear or confusion.For only each of us knows our own personal thoughts;Our unique past and personal history;The experiences that brought us to the crossroads we now face.We can always learn a small degree from others experiences,And yet ... no one person can walk in our shoes,Others know not, the trials and tribulations faced in private ...For each is individual ... unique ... and personal.And that is why ... while standing at a crossroads,Only "we" can formulate the decision for ourselves;The true direction that lies within;The choices we must deliberate on with clarity and wisdom.For it is only through personal reflection,That we can now choose our destiny;... Our next adventure;... And the future we will embrace.

Life at this point

There comes a time in everyones life, where you need to just step back and evaluate things. It is possible, I do this just a little too much. I wander to myself am I reallt being me? I love being around people and laughing, just having a good time. When I am with Kyle, he doesnt like for me to go out. He does have a right to worry, because I know I hurt him. It is just so hard for me o not go out and be with everyone. I always worry I am throwing away some super valuable years of my life just sitting around with my boyfriend. Do not get me wrong, I am not miserable when I am with him. Every now and again, I picture what everyone else is getting to and I get jealous. I am a "free spirit" my mom says. I have never been in a relationship without cheating, until Kyle. Even with him, it is very technical. It is hard for me, because I never feel like I get the freedom in a relationship that I want. I want to be able to do what I want, when I want. I dont care what he is doing, as long as at the end of the day we are still there for each other. Iwould probably never cheat or even act wild, if he would just let me go be with the girls when I wanna be. Another thing I think about is im sacrificing a bunch for Kyle, what do I get out of it? I dont feel like I get the respect I should for not doing all these things. I have given up a whole lot, when it comes to friends. What if it is all a mistake? If we break up in a year? I am going to be so mad, I wasted all this time with stupid inner turmoil? It is just so complicated to try and find a guy like that!

Realtionship status

Surprisingly enough, while I was in Panama I got back together with Kyle. It was Monday night and YEAH, I was drunk. As everyone knows, when you drink there is always a possibilty of crying. I got all upset and ran outside with my phone and started dialing! After a few attempts to get the number right, I got through to Kyle. He was asleep, I forgot it was 3 in the morning, but at this point I did not give a shit. I just started spilling my guts out and telling him I loved him and wanted him back. He was rather skeptical seeing as how, I was slurring every word and crying. God, I get so embarrasing when I drink. We ended staying on the phone for like four hours and by this time we were together. The trip was scheduled to end on Saturday. I could not take it any longer though, I missed my family and Kyle. On Wednesday, Colby drove me to Tallahassee and I took a plane to Memphis! I was home Wednesday night by 930! Kyle picked me up from the airport and we stayed up all night just "talking". haha. Needless to say, I love Kyle and at this point in my life, I know we should be together. "Don't look for Mr. Right, just look for Mr. Right Now and eventually, if he is the one the Now part just falls off." That is such a fabulous quote! I don't know if we are meant to be or anything like that, but he makes me laugh and smile. Im not looking for a husband just yet, just a cute boy to laugh with.

"its easy to hate"

"It is easy to hate, but much harder to forgive" -annonymous
I read this quote somewhere along time ago. For some reason, It can relate to almost any issue that comes along. To me, it means forgive and forget. I mean not necessarily foget, but do forgive. I think the older I get the more I realize, you can not be happy if you hold grudges. I try to not be angry with people, because it will affect me more than it affects them. Everyone knows it is so easy to get pissed off and talk shit about someone. Really though, how hard is it to bite your tongue and try to look past what just happened? Dont get me wrong, I am definitely not always the girl to do this. I am loud, bossy, opinionated and stubborn, but I try to forget about things that hurt me or make me angry. I find myself really annoyed with people, when they cant let stuff go. Life is meant to be enjoyable, but only if you make it that way. Another thing that I suppose kinda goes along with this quote is taking responsibilty for your own actions. The hardest thing i can say I have done in the last year is having to look into someones eyes that I care about and tell them the complete and honest truth. Not making excuses for what I had done, even when I knew that person was hoping there was one. Sometimes life can get dificult and seem totally unfair. I tell myself number one, "You cannot appreciate anything good, without having to experience pain" and secondly, "Never take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyways." This blog may seem a little bit silly, but it is the kind of person I am. I am an emotional, hopeless romantic, look for the best in all things kinda girl. Not to say I am always optimistic, but I like it when people surprise me for the better. Little things like that can make a girls day!

Monday, February 25, 2008

StarT 02/25- ANXIETY!

This is an article I was reading on anxiety. It is the story of a girl names Rachel, but it can relate to anyone. I have been dealing with issues like this for years!

When you look at your friends and classmates, you might see the tall, lanky nerd who always gets straight As, the popular senior who is always laughing and smiling, or that classmate who seems to have everything under control. Sometimes this is all they will allow you to see.
And that's a shame.
Because what you may have heard before is trite but true: Nobody's perfect. In a world where people may seem perfect — or at least in control and normal — we often see ourselves as abnormal or not good enough. Whether they show it or not, though, everybody has problems of one kind or another.
The First Signs
It was the spring of my junior year of high school — a particularly stressful time for many students. I had schoolwork to do, APs to study for, nightly soccer practice, and pit band rehearsal for the school musical. To put it lightly, I was overloaded.
One night while I was sitting in my final dress rehearsal for the school play, I started thinking about my boyfriend. We'd been dating since the beginning of the school year, and because he was my first boyfriend, I was very inexperienced when it came to relationships. As I was sitting in rehearsal that night, thoughts about our relationship just kept popping up in my head. Where was our relationship going? Was it a good, healthy relationship? What was it really based on?
While these were normal questions for anyone to ask, my reactions to them were both mentally and physically overwhelming. I couldn't focus on playing my music, and I started breathing too quickly and trembling, convinced that my boyfriend would dump me and my world would fall apart. I kept imagining only the worst outcomes from this situation, until finally I couldn't sit with the band anymore. I had to leave the auditorium during the last full dress rehearsal and run to the bathroom, where I began retching in one of the stalls.
Falling Deeper
After that night, things began to worsen sharply. I missed the next 3 days of school because I told my mom I was too sick to go. And while this was true — I couldn't keep any food down for 3 days — I knew it was more because of my fears than because of any physical illness.
During those 3 days I lay in bed and constantly worried. I tried thinking through what was bothering me, and decided that any relationship that bothered me that much couldn't be good. I broke up with my boyfriend, figuring that would help, but once I had done that I still felt worried. I figured something else was wrong with my life, maybe that I was too stressed. I quit the soccer team and hoped that would help.
It didn't, and now I felt even worse. There was even more to worry about — what did my now ex-boyfriend think of me? Did he hate me? How could he still want to get back together with someone as messed up as me? Would my soccer coach think that I was just a quitter? Was I a quitter?
I started to notice that I became easily distracted from my work. In classes I would zone out of discussions completely, constantly worrying about my friends and my life, and wondering if I was normal. My psychology class was especially hard to sit through. I was sure that once we started learning new material, people would find out that I was weird or maybe even insane. What if everything I was experiencing was due to schizophrenia? I was sure I'd end up in an institution, crazy, lonely, and forgotten by all.
Over the next few weeks things improved, only to worsen again during summer vacation. My heart would race, and with all my worries I'd be too jittery to sit still. At my worst I was so nervous that anything I'd eat I'd just throw up again because I was so worried.
My parents started to worry that I was anorexic, and I only felt more misunderstood. I wanted to eat, I wanted to feel full and healthy, but my body wasn't letting me. "Just stop worrying," my parents would tell me. "You're not trying hard enough. If you just try harder you can make this stop."
But I had been trying so hard — did they think I wanted to be like this? This wasn't me at all. The me I knew was happy, fun, and lighthearted if not carefree. Now I just cried and worried, steadily lost weight, and withdrew from my friends so they couldn't find out what was happening to me. My parents knew something was very wrong and that they had to intervene. And so, for the first time ever, I ended up seeing a psychologist.
Seeing a Psychologist
I begged my parents not to make me go, and when they refused, screamed at them for forcing me to go against my will. When we showed up I was ready to hate my psychologist and show my parents how pointless this was.
And then I actually met the psychologist and found out he wasn't such a bad guy. He was there to help me — not to report back to my parents, not to have me committed to an institution, not to force any action at all — just to talk.
So we talked. Over the next few months he told me that I had generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and we worked on techniques to help me overcome my worries, such as breathing, not jumping to catastrophic conclusions, and thinking rationally. But as hard as I tried to fight this, I just couldn't kick the worrying habit. My psychologist suggested I see a psychiatrist who would be able to prescribe medication to help me. Although when we first met I said I would not go on medication, I was so ready to be myself again that I willingly agreed.
Starting Anew
With my psychiatrist's recommendation and prescription I began taking an anti-anxiety medication that's approved for teens. I also continued therapy with my psychologist. And gradually over the next few weeks my overwhelming anxiety became manageable. Nobody's life is ever completely worry-free, but my concerns were now realistic and didn't control my whole life. My parents had me back, my friends had me back — but most important, I had me back. I was me again.
So I'm not perfect, and I would never claim to be — but I'm not crazy either. Around 40 million American adults have an anxiety disorder in any given year, which doesn't take into account people under age 18 or those who may have had an anxiety disorder in the past! Knowing this helps me feel less alone; other people are going through the same thing I did.
Dealing with my anxiety has been one of the greatest challenges of my life, but as I go into my sophomore year in college, I am a better, stronger, and more confident person for everything I have gone through. I learned that living a life of fear is not living at all, and while obstacles may arise more than I'd like, there is no problem that I can't handle. I've learned to take some risks and face my challenges head on. The rewards of trying, whether I succeed or not, are always better than letting my worries run my life or wondering what would have happened if I'd only had the courage to try.

Friday, February 22, 2008

the breakdown

an analysis i wrote, read it and love it.
Coach Carter is a movie based upon actual events, which relays a message of respect, hard work and commitment to the youth in America. In the late 1990's, Ken Carter takes an offer to become the new lead coach at Richmond High School. Growing in this same neighborhood, Carter takes it upon himself to instill upon the young men of his team some new found values. Coach uses tough love and a strict routine to whip these players minds and bodies into shape. I think this movie says something about our school systems, by the way it shows the horrible beginnings, the uphill struggle to reconstruction, and the pay off.
After watching Coach Carter, I have decided first impressions are not always correct. On the first day alone, the boys are bickering and making fun of the new coach. One boy, Timo Cruz, is kicked off the team for taking a shot at coach. Of course, no one thinks that the coach has any shot of turning this team around. When the story began to unravel, I saw that these boys were being raised in a harsh world with basketball as a shot out. Carter continues pushing the boys, signing contracts that stated they would wear ties on game days and sit at the front of all their class. Players were not allowed to participate, if they could not maintain a GPA of at least a 2.0. This contract was enforced when, coach discovered one-fourth of the team was failing and locked the team out of the gym. Ken Carter used extreme tactics to shape a young group of boys into a group of mature and victorious men.
The Richmond team may have pulled off a good season, but it was no piece of cake getting there. Later in the movie, Carter discovers Cruz has a second life as a drug dealer and seeks basketball as a way away from this darker life. After enforcing the minimum GPA contract agreement, he deducts that Junior Battle has severe literacy issues and needs some extra help. Carter saw no point in the sport, if the boys have no other support system built up to fall back on. Not all the surprises were drugs and grades slipping through the cracks. Star student and player, Kenyon Stone discoveries his girlfriend is pregnant and becomes unsure what the future may hold for him. The stories may seem sad, but as in all the classic underdog movies there is redemption.
Now we come to the point in the movie, when all the players have become the men they need to be, the only obstacles left are media influences and the state championship. Parents and other school officials did not agree with Carter on the way he conducted his team. The teams arrives to the state championship nervous and seemingly unsure of their capabilities. It is drawn out game and not a defined winner, until the end. Richmond is defeated. In the end, the Richmond oilers did not win the state championship. They won way more than a silly trophy.
In conclusion, this movie touches a crucial issue among schools across the nation. It points out the decreasing number of graduating students and the rising numbers of those minorities ending up in prison. Coach Carter does its job, as a campaign for "being the best you can be" and putting the spotlight on American school systems. Speaking for a education activist, I hope people get what this move is really about and it is not basketball.

breaking up

Me and my boyfriend broke up yesterday and I just do not know what to think about it. I am so back and forth between enjoying some freedom and hating being alone.
We broke up, because he doesnt like me doing pretty much anything. I just decided I wanted to not regret my freshman year and just try to make the best of it. I know this is going to be so difficult.
I have never been single. Like no joke, I do not know what to do. I can not even decide what to do with my time. Going out feels wrong and when I stay in im miserable.
I keep getting all kinds of weird and mixed emotins about him and my life right now. This is the lamest and saddest blog ever. I hate when I am not busy, because I just sit here and think about things.
Today was super difficult. I sound really like needy, but I promise you I am not. I need space, but I always get comfortable in relationships. I guess I just am like, it is easier to just always know he is gonna be there and have something to do.
The worst part about all of this, when people call or text me and tell me how sorry they are. It makes me sad, because I do not want to think about it. So, please dont tell me you are sorry and what not. Just know, I am all good and thats all you need to know!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Kyle and I will be having our one year anniversary on Sunday! I am so excited, because you know how people say time flies? I say bull shit. I am totally, just kidding. I love him to death, even though we have our little ups and downs. Kyle has been so good to me and tries his best to give me whatever he can.

Now,on to the not so sweet part. If you have a boyfriend that is not a greek and you are, be prepared for hell. This past sememster was outrageous. We have events, philanthropies and just hang out sessions like every other day, but that is just a part of greek life. I would not take back joining KD for anything, but it has put a strain on our relationship and with my sisters.

It is so hard to tell, who you should be spending time with. These women are my future bridesmaids and him....who knows?? I won't say it.

Everyone is always trying to get me to go out, but normally I won't. I know Kyle won't want me to, so I don't even think about it. I feel like I miss out a lot of times, but then again I love him and do not want him mad at me.

My suggestion to possible new members, remember these are your girls for life. Guys can be replaced, but true friendship cannot. Most importantly, be you and make you happy.

P.S we broke up....


I was reading the main page and it said something about looks. Looks meanig the way we look at and perceive ourselves. I think I can safely say, that all women, girls, boys and even men have things they are paranoid about or something they would change if given the opportunity.
Then I started thinking about eating disorders, something like four out of every hundred college women will have an eating disorder. Honestly though, we know it is more than that. I have girls in my life, that I love with eating disorders.
Its unimaginable the pressure women are put under to look a certain way. We are seen as too tall, too fat, too short, too skinny, pale, too tan, slutty and fake as hell if we try to change. It blows my mind the standards set for a "healthy" woman. I catch myself judging another woman all the time and then I step back and realize, I know how bad it feels as a woman and I stop.
When I was a freshman in high school, I developed bulimia. It lasted for two years, until my friends and family intervined and made me get help. I thank God for allowing them to save me.
I would like to say I never feel those urges anymore and that I have all this self- confidence now, but it is still hard every single day to go out and not feel judged by everyone I see. Realisticly, I know not everyone cares what I say or what I look like, but the media and standards set forth by the general population is making it easier to develop an eating disorder or self esteem issues.
This is my story and my plea with everyone that reads this: tell a girl she looks pretty, maybe you can make a difference.

Monday, February 18, 2008


I will be so glad, when I am done with all this going to court and paying lawyers. The fisrt time I went to court, I had to pay my attorney two hundred dollars. Now, I owe him another three hundred dollars and then court cost!!!!!! OMG! I still have to pay to get my license reinstated too!!

During this whole thing I found out something very interesting. If you get a DUI for the first time, you can get a restricted license to drive to work and school. I got my license taking away for mistakes, before I was eighteen and I can not get a restricted license! Does anyone else think that is dumb? It is weird to me, that our justice sysytem would allow a drunken driver on the road over me.

Moving on though, I have to get a new car. My car has been demolished beyond repair and I have to find a new PT cruiser! They are so cute, I do not care what anyone says! I have gone through three cars now! I mean one of these days, I hope I can stick with a vehicle and not wreck it.

Lucky me, due to all the new bills I have, I get to take out another student loan. I get financial aid, but it hardly helps!

Did we not turn in blogs last week??

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So, tomorrow is Valentine's day and lucky for me, my boyfriend is working and nothing exciting is probably gonna go down. This totally sucks, because our 1 year is the week after. I dunno, but it just seems like he does notget how much stuff means to me a lot of the time!

Girls want to be surprised! They want to be reminded they are beautiful! They want to hear I Love You everyday! Girls need to know they are thought about! I need a hug or a kiss each day! I do not think any of those things are too much, but it seems to be for everyone of the male sex!

Dont get me wrong, I love Kyle so much! I just am old fashioned and can not stand being asked what I want to do on Valentine's day!

Guys, just step up and plan something! I really do not care how much it costs or where its at.

I am going to feel like such a bitch, when I find out he has something planned. God help me if he does, I am going to burn in hell.

I planned a trip for us this summer to the destination of his choice!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Continuing on with what I was saying..I remember the "vote or die" campaign on MTV, that was suppossed to target a younger audience I guess. The whole message seemed to be to just get out there and vote. What really was not pushed was finding out who was the best canidate. Sorry to the people who love celebrities who act like they really give a shit if we are voting, but I hate to break it you. P. Diddy does not really give a shit if you vote! Just like we have been talking about in class, it is all fake ass propaganda to promote themselves, not voting! I remember turning on the TV and seeing Paris Hilton with a vote or die t-shirt on...HAHA! Its like a trend for celebrites..ya know? I think it is a bit hypocritical to tell people to get out and, when those jack asses probably do not even know any of the candidates views.
I think this source essay has forced me to find some new pet peeves! These pet peeves being fake ass celebrities, voting without thinking, and people that have these amazing, unalienable that do not use that to their full advantage. Use the resources that are available to you!
Since this is my first year to vote, I want to start researching all the candidates and getting an idea of who I am going to put my support towards. I think I am going to push my room mates to vote, only if they know why they are choosing the candidate.
There was something in that essay about how, when people vote for the names they regognize it hurts liberal and independent candidates. Some people may just see these parties as lap traffic, but I think if everyone researched thoroughly votes for smaller parties would rise.
I wander if this essay might, also relate to people that always vote for the party they consider their own. I guess I have never really understood that whole thing, because no one has the same ideas and views. So, why would you try to put everyone in a box and think they see all things the same. A big part of changing office is what is going to change, so from that one can piece together the best option is to make an educated vote or do not vote!
The argument in the simplest terms is "if you are gonna do something, do it right"! He wants us to vote, but not at the expense of an uneducated decision.
It is crazy that this was written in 1955, it seems like something people would say now. I guess that is frustrating me too, because that has been an issue since 1955! Why are people still doing this? Seems to me, our country worked so hard to get where it is and I would like to benefit from that!
I can not be for sure, but I think this essay undermines the idea that voting is always better than not voting. It shows how the political machines will steal your vote. Your one uneducated decision can cancel one person's researched candidate choice. I have never thought of it that way, but I think that is a hell of a good point! A RECENT idea that this undermines is that people voting unintelligently is a new thing.


That was an interesting essay to say the least; something I never would have thought about otherwise. As soon as I started reading this essay, I thought to myself if im gonna vote this year, I do not want to end up an example in some essay. I think the write has no side, it doesn't really seem like he is trying to persuade the reader in either direction, but I can not say for sure. I think the purpose is just to make people realize that voting is a good thing, but only if it has been done the way it is intended to be done.

Taking a second look at this article now, I do think it is possible that the author could be pulling for some independent canidates or even liberals. His point is people just go vote to vote, not looking at what the issues or incentives may even be. This is probably why the big two parties win it every year.

The author is writing to anyone of voting age or anyone that is willing to take a chance to undestand. He does so well by not sinlgling in on any specific group, race, or gender. he leaves the example braud, which is good.

I thought of the "vote or die" campaign that was on MTV, as soon as I began .....continue to next blog to read the rest!

Monday, February 11, 2008


Today, I went to class and decided it was going to be a sucky monday. Me and Morgan both were totally resistant to getting up and applying ourselves at something other than sleeping. Go figure? Well moving on, I came home and started looking on the computer, checking email, facebook and all that good stuff.

I was so bored, then I looked at Morgan and I was like i should totally go get my tattoo today! Thatt is exactly what I did! After Morgan got done drawing it up, we headed out to the tattoo parlor to get tatted up! haha

The tatt is in memory of my best friend, that passed away last June on his way home from senior trip. Bobby was the most amazing, nicest person I have ever met. He was always there when I needed him, because that is what he was good at. Bobby was above all things, a truely generous person.

It says in cursive lettering surrounding a silouhette of a dove, "Only a life lived for others is a life worth while." I can honestly say that is the quote that described his life. Rest In Peace "Bobby" Sturch, June 4 of 2007. I love you!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


So, I totally forgot to turn my blogs in last week. I am going to get started early this week.
Me, Morgan and Sarah are about to watch movies for our movie reviews. We have chosen Farenheit 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine. As you probably already know, these are both Michael Moore movies. All of his movies get a lot of media attention, so I thought these would be movies we would enjoy and could keep our attention. All of our essay topics are school assessment, so maybe Bowling for Columbine can widen our idea range.
I was reading Wendy's blog about how people have been talking about how much work we have to do and I do agree we have tons of work to do, but nothing that can not be done! It just takes me sitting down ans telling myself no cell phone, no facebook, do not think about anything else and telling myself this is my future. It makes things a little bit easier, when you remember without completely all of our assigned tasks, we cant continue on our career paths. I know this is random, but college is definitely a whole bunch harder, than I thought it was going to be, but it is going to be so amazing when I get that degree and get to brag about it haha Im only kidding about that last part. Well I guess that is my two cents on our work load. until later....;)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I was watching TV last night at like 10 and there was a rerun of one of Hillary Clinton's speaches. She was talking about how our college loan sysytes work and how it ends up creating debt for yound americans. She spoke about how college kids aka us are America's future. In her viewpoint, she said that if these individuals are willing to serve in a service job for I think it was a year or two in America, their debt will be forgiven.
I have never been a person, that is all for Hilary, but I do know that a canidate that is willing to give our generation a real shot and give us support deserves a shot. I agree with the quote on Wendy's blog, I should have researched her views a little bit better and not been so judgemental on her. I feel bad now, because after reading that quote it made me realize how often I do insert my opinion on what other politicians have to say. From now on, I am going to try harder to understand where people are coming from and not be so quick to criticize others opinions. I am kinda glad we did a blog about this!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Does it matter what presidential canidates wives look like? I think so. Hey have you seen a Paris Hilton in the White House? No and you never will. It does matter to America what the physical appearance of the canidate and his wife is. People want a responsible, yet attractive couple in the White House. People want role models for their children to look at.
Personally, I think as long as the canidate is qualified, then good for him and I am all for it! No matter what though, no matte how bad it may suck, appearance will always matter! Just like appearance is so imporatnt to celebrities, politicians are a form of celebrities too. We all look to these individuals for guidance and leadership. If someone looks tacky and out of place, you are going to assume they are unintelligent and unprepared.
It is so true what parents tell you, when you are little, look your best, you never know who is watching!
In conclusion, I hope someday I can honestly say that appearance does not even matter to me, but sadly for now it does and I do not see a change near. Maybe everyone that reads this could tell me what they think about appearances and if it matters to you? Also, do you think this stereotype will change soon??


I was reading through the watchdog blog and I came across a post that was talking about the mayoral choices in California. The canidates varied from a nudist, who believed nudism was nothing to be ashamed of and it was ok to walk around nude, one man said prostitution and sex should be legalized, and a few other totally outrageous canidates. It made me feel a small bit better thinking about their canidates compared to ours, until I realized none of these people had won! Ok good point to make, except that the most responsible and literate canidate won. This is something we could not say about Memphis. Memphis has had some pretty decent canidates in mayoral election. So can someone tell me please why HERRINGTON sucks?? We have decent canidates, but this total loser keeps winning, I do not get it! It really frustrates me!
I really want people to respond to this blog and tell me if they think there are any good things about Herrington or if they support him, anything. It is curious to me, so I hope lots of you can respond to me. To sum it all up, I do not know a whole lot about politics, but I know a sucky mayor when I see one!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

A woman president?

I was reading one of the Memphis blogs and it starts out with a man, talkign about his interesting trip to comcast or something and he overheard two women talking about the election primaries. The two women discussed how a woman would not be suitable as president, because they always turn to a man in a crisis and second, because the Bible says a man should always be in charge. But, according to these obviously, really bright ladies, it is ok for a woman to be vice-president..I mean oh my god, what idiots!
When I vote this year Im going to vote for who I think is the best canidate to run our nation for the four years. Would not things be a lot simpler if everyone would do that? Let us not vote because of political party, race or sex. Let us vote for the right canidate! By the way, I have been going to church, since I was two years old and I do not remember God covering the presidential election, but I could be wrong. HAHA
To sum things up, I can not stand our president now and have not seen any canidates I think are amazing, but maybe I will get lucky and there will be a new canidate soon. I heard Clinton is now not supporting the war, true or false, she voted for it....more than once? DUH!


So, i was scrolling through the Memphis blogs and came across this post under the bringing back Whitehaven blog. It talked about how this new legislation that is about to be passed would ban any consumption of alocohol inside of strip joints. OK! if your old enough to be at a strip club, then I think why the hell not let them drink? I dont agree with that whole scene, personally I think its really gross, but I mean they are 21 and it doesnt matter where you are! Another stupid thing I read was if the women had past records of prostitution, then they cant work as strippers at these clubs anymore. I agree this whole industry should be shut down, but lets not go around pointing fingers about whats worse, lets not condone stripping and then turn around and place judgement on prostitutes. It is all wrong, but if a woman wants to work as a stripper, would that not be better than her working as a prostitute?
I just want to say again, no I do not agree with any of it, but making stricter dumb ass rules isnt going to change shit. You want to stop them, then dont allow it! It sucks to think about, but the people in that industry know the truth, sex sells! Turn on any little behind the scenes show and they will tell you the same thing.
If these politicians want to put a stop to it, then they need to work a little bit harder if you ask me!

Monday, January 28, 2008

iTs 8:09 && i LOVE KD!

Well hey everyone, it has been 3 days now and nothing exciting has really happened! Me and Morgan have been working for her grandpa making big dollars all day. haha. Im thinkin here shortly we are about to take ourselves to the gym and work it out.
But anyways, spring recruitment is going on and for anyone who is thinking about rushing, you really should! Sadly, Kappa Delta will not be able to take any girls this semester, because we are at max number right now, but we are still gonna be at open house and its good way to meet girls, if you arent really gonna go through till fall. Ill move on though, thats just my two cents on rushing. My computer is dying rather fast right now and I hope it is not gonna shut off!
What else? I saw the movie, Untraceable on Saturday and it was so good! That movie is seriously a perfect balance of horror and suspense! If you havent seen it, go right now! Also, I think Diane Lane is the cutest lady ever and totally looks amazing for her age.
Lately, I have been missing home so bad, Im not sure why, but I am guessing, because I have been sick so much. My mom is so domesticated, she loves cooking and taking care of me, when Im sick, so i miss being babied. haha. Well i guess thats all for now, until next time!

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Topic, I just remembered this.

I chose to write about school assessent, because it really is a huge issue in Mephis. I went to private schhol, until my junior year. My junior year, I transferred to Bartlett High School, because Harding Academy got to be too expensive. the diffeence was astonishing. In private school everyone is taught to be the sae kind of individual,but the education is so much better than that of public school. When I still went to Harding, I was making straight A's. At Harding though, that is what is expected and all of my teachers were constantly pulling for me to work harder and push myself to do the best I can. We prepare throughout high school for our ACT. I wrote my first 10 page paper, my sophmore year. Everything began a little bit sooner, which put me a little bit ahead of everyone first! I got more help with questions at Harding, because there was more one on one. My parents knew about falling grades, before I did. All these things add up to make a smart person, but not one who is prepared for college. I came to public school and I absolutely loved it! There were no more techers pushing me and my mom never knew anything, unless I told her. Little did I realize, that was a bad thing. My teachers were not passionate and they did not give a shit if I passed or not. I was so used to it all being handed to me, that I would forget about homework, essays or whatever else was assigned. I doubt it is like this for everyone, but this is my personal experience. I just believe kids need a balance of preparation for the real world, but a little bit of push from their teachers, as well. I like the belief system at Harding, it taught me morals and selflessness, because when I went to Bartlett I met a lot of rude kids, who had no idea what manners were. A few questions from me. Do teachers really put in the time and effort they are supposed to? Do they care if your grades are up? and do private schools hurt you in the long run? I may not have liked being told what to do when I was at harding, but I knew my teachers cared and that was rewarding.


Omg! Today was truly insane. Me and Morgan went to our first class and our teacher collapsed! I repeat our teacher collapsed! Morgan had to get under her and help her up and I went and called 911! Hopefully everything will be ok, but she left in the ambulance headed for Methodist North hospital. We are planning on going to check on her and sending flowers before the weekend is over with. Talk about a crazy ass morning!

Moving on to the less exciting, we went to history and took some super boring ass notes! Usually after history, we have music, but it was cancelled today! YAY!

Me and Kyle are about to head out to the mall, then my super sweet boyfriend is going to take me tanning! I dont know what I would do without him being kind enough to drive me everywhere! lol gotta love him!

Tonight is Rock For A Cure at Gills, everyone please go! The money raised go to help the kids at St. Judes and you can still have fun, get drunk or whatever it is you do! So if you go, you will probably see me there! Also, Kappa Delta's philanthropy is coming up, it is called Shamrock Shootout and it is really good cause. So get a basketball team together and come play! The money goes towards Prevent Child Abuse America. Be there! ok See ya'll Tuesday!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Ok, so to start things off, I will go ahead and tell ya'll what your wandering. haha. I had to be at court at 9am. First off, I do not like getting up before 11, so it was already a bad start to what could have been a good day. Anyways, I got to court a little after 9, my lawyer was about an hour late. Then, as soon as he got there, my court date got moved back to the 18th of February, aka 2 days before I can get my license back!! YAY! Everyone get excited, this is amazing news!

Moving on the latter part of the day though, I went to stock up on slimfast, because me and Morgan are doing the whole dieting and working out thing right now. It is going pretty well, except for I am always sick, so it sucks when I go. Lets see, what else did I do today? Me and my mom spent the day watching movies and napping till maybe three. At which time, I had to get a ride to go get my nails done! I will admit it..I have to have my nails done at all times!

The day is coming to an end now, me and Kyle are just sitting in my room playing with Marley and OF COURSE, watching UFC. I now hate this sport!
Im gonna go try and get some rest, I totally need it! GOODNIGHT!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Today was not that exciting..

I got a new puppy a month ago and I love him so much. His name is Marley and he is a lab. I named him after the movie I am Legend. If you have seen the movie, then you know Will Smith named his daughter that, because he loved Bob Marley. And I loved the movie, so i figured why not? I brought him home and I was so nervous that he was not going to get along with my roomate, Morgan's dog. But, I was so wrong, Marley and Lexi have become best friends and have proved to be quite annoying when Im trying to write papers. haha. He also is like the unpotty trainable is so awsome. Anyways, the best part of having him are when he gives me kisses and looks at me all sweet like.

I have lived with my three roomates for like four months now and It has been so crazy. It is so true that you never really know someone until you live with them, I dont mean that in a bad way, but I do mean it. It is so awsome always having someone around to talk to, watch movies with or even the favorite of all things in our house, EATING. Me, Jenna, Morgan and Brooxie all make cakes, brownie and cookies like every other week. So if you love sweets, you should visit our home! We are all Kappa Delta's, so we arent just roomies, we are sisters.

The best decesion I ever made was becoming a KD. Morgan Pettigrew talked me into rushing and I am so glad I did. I could not imagine what my life would be like without all these beautiful girls in my life. Every girl has a place where she fits in and the Kappa Delta house is mine. Being a KD, has really made me step up and be the person I want to be.

I went to Harding Academy until my junior year, when i transferred to Bartlett High School. Going from a private school to a public school was a big change. People are so much more open and different. When I went to private school, it seemed like everyone was trying to be the same person, so it was a eye opener when I came to Bartlett.

I have a boyfriend named Kyle, who is like the sweetest, most always there for me guy ever. Our one year anniversary is February 24; he better have something amazing planned! Our first date was on Feb. 14 aka Valentine's day, last year. Im hoping we just keep working out, because he still gives me butterflies and makes me smile daily. He has two little brothers and one little sister, whom I adore!

So, if your wandering by now, this blog I am just trying to let ya'll get to know a good background on me, before i start writing about my life and my day, blah blah. I think that my life so far has been rather interesting.

I have two parents, one mom and one stepdad. My mom and dad got divorced, when I was two, because he was an alcoholic and all that junk, but no feelings hurt. It doesnt bother me and I am not ashamed of it. I still see my dad, just not a lot.

I am very optimistic about life. I always try to see the best in people and situations, although in the past that has proven to get me hurt. I think I definitely get this from my mom, because neither of us have a lot, but I mean we just figure what is the point about getting down about life? It helps nothing.

Now, I have had a driver license since I was sixteen years old, but not anymore. Right before I turned eighteen I got the maximum number of points you cant get on your license before you turn eighteen, which is only THREE!!! So, I didnt know this though, so I have been just driving around, till about a month ago. I got pulled over and he went ahead and let me know my license was revoked until march. So, unlike any responsible person, I kept right on driving on my revoked license and had a wreck!!
I go to court tomorrow with my lawyer to try and move up my license renewal date. I am in a lot of trouble I guess, but I'm sure it's gonna be just fine.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My Manifesto.

Beginning this assignent, I was looking at the manifestos of those before me. I thought this was going to be a difficult assignment, but instead i realize that a manifesto is really just an explanation of what you want, what you believe in and how you want to make accomplishments. I hope by reading this document, people get a better understanding of who I am.
It is the most interesting thing to read a manifesto of a person you do not know; to get inside the head of a complete stranger. One of the most famous manifestos is The Conscience of a Hacker also commonly referred to as the Hacker Manifesto. This manifesto gives a hackers view point on how the world views them. He talks about how he feels smarter than what is taught in schools. He describes feeling accepted and unjudged by an electronic world. His only claimed crime is his "curiousity". Another famous manifesto is The Communist Manifesto, a document that underlies all that, which is a communist belief. This document is divided into four sections. the first of these sections goes in the relationship between proletarians and bourgeoisie, then the second section also talks about a relationship, but in this case it is the Communists and the proletarians. The third section gives a summary of why previous socialists have failed and I am guessing why comunism will not, and finally, the fourth section discusses the communist party and how it relates to other parties. The final famous manifesto that I read was The Unabombers Manifesto. This document was written by Dr. Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski, who setup and executed a series of bombs between the 1970's and 1990's. In the first few sections of the manifesto, it describes his personal views on the different social groups in America. The latter part of his manifesto talks about how he projects the future of our world to be and that he believes there will no longer be any kind of human freedom. His manifesto was published in the New York Times at his request, at which time he promised to stop any acts of terrorism, but was caught soon after its publication. Now that I hope I have a clear understanding of what a manifesto is about, I will now give you mine.
This is my manifesto. I am not a perfect person, but I am who I am and this will better help you to understand me
My generation is a new breed of individual. There are no two alike. Unlike past generations, where there may have been an ideal for what we should be, now the only mold to fit into is your own and how you make it.
I live my life the way I want to live it, free from others opinions and ideals. I hope others can look at the way I chose to live my life and respect it.
I am individualist. I believe in being who you are, no matter what an outside source may say. Dress how you choose, wear your hair like you think you should, speak about whatever you are passionate about and above all, respect yourself enough to not change so easily for whatever reason.
I am respectful. I want to be treated well, so I hope by giving others respect, I will receive it in return. All people should be respectful of their peers when speaking, and especially when speaking to his or her elders. I do so, by always saying thank you and remembering to think of others, when I am making decisions.
I am grateful. I want to always remember where I came from and what I have done to get where I am. I am thankful for everything that I have been blessed with. I have a house, a car, and food. I know I could not have done these things alone. I believe more people should be grateful for so many things in their life, even if it is just as simple as being grateful for being alive, because that is a blessing.
I believe in generousity. I think karma is for real, so in saying that, does it not make since to say you get, what you put out? What i mean by this is Im gonna give to those in need, like that which has been given to me. I do not believe in selfishness. I would like to say that I have lived a selfless life, but I can not, I can though, say that I have tried to be the best person I can be.
I am a romantic. I know that the whole true love thing may not be for all people, but it is for me. I think that life is not complete without love. I do not see what the point of living is, if you have no one to share it with.
These are only the main highlights of my life, but they are the most important. This is the story of who I am.