Friday, April 4, 2008

Pros and Cons of Memphis

I found this wriitten in a blog on another past Memphians page. I just thought it was cool to have the insight of someone else who has lived here too. Obviously, we are not the only ones who sense all this racial tension!

If this says anything I grew up in Memphis and left two years ago, never looked back. Here are the PROS of Memphis:1. Relatively low cost of living.2. Good food-the barbecue is the absolute best.3. Decent locality-You are within a day's drive of several major cities.CONS:1. Crime rate-Once again, Memphis regained the #1 spot nationally for violent crime. It spills over the state line and while Mississippi is safer (my wife and I lived in Southaven) the crime will still be there. It is bad, trust me.2. A LOT of RACIAL TENSION. Don't believe me? Just look at the last mayor's election, it was nothing but racial tension. It's just a bad racial climate in Memphis.3. Education-Memphis is the worst in the state in this category. Mississippi and Arkansas aren't much better.4. Sports-Yes, they have a nice minor league baseball team. They also have the worst NBA team in the land. I do root for the University of Memphis teams (hey, I'm an alum) but other than that, nothing. Nashville does have the NFL and NHL, so that's a plus. Now, if you like gambling there are plenty of casinos in the area.To each their own, some like Memphis. I couldn't stand it and I'm a native from there. Too much crime, heat (unless you like sweltering summers), racial tensions, poor education... The city has improved some things over the last several years but in so many ways the city and is still backward and has not progressed to where it should or could.

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